The Faith that Creates

The Faith that Creates

My hope is that everyone is doing well and shifting into a place of excitement and curiosity with what is going on in the world. A massive transformation is happening and when we can experience it from a place of love, joy, kindness and compassion we receive more of that in our lives. I understand that being in that space of ease and grace is not always easy. Especially now on our planet. Notice how the world has been made “uncomfortable” so that perhaps we can assess our own “uncomfortable comforts.” What are we hanging on to that doesn’t feel good? Do we have no faith or trust that God (Source, Universe) has our back.? It’s the very faith that creates. It’s the trust that allows the new. We have been play a bit of tug-of-war with our emotions (our vibration) so we receive that in the world. Choose gratitude for what you have and where you are right now. See the beauty in the world as it changes and shifts. Find that mirrored beauty, faith and trust within yourself. You are more powerful than you really know. You are beautiful and amazing. You are patient kind and loving… use I AM’s and make these statements your own. It is a process to be acknowledge in your Super Conscious Mind, Infinite Intelligence!

Just “Ask and it is Given.” 💕



Change is the one thing many people are afraid of, yet it IS the most consistent thing in our lives. Most of us don’t notice the changes because they are either baby step changes or slow changes and we just let it happen to us. 
FACT: You will change (whether you like it or not) If you don’t think so just look back on the last month, year, 5 years, 10years…don’t stay there long..but just notice, oh so briefly, the CHANGES that have happened. Now come back to the present with me…Why not GUIDE your changes? How? change the way you think about things. Start right now to LISTEN to the “mind chatter” what are you saying to yourself? What “stories” are you telling yourself AND other people. Are they positive, uplifting stories? are they negative fearful or hateful stories? Are they stories like “oh whoa is me?” Are you caught up in someone else’s story? When I write story I mean you, you, and only you! YOU are the ONLY one YOU can control & change. YOU have the power to change YOU and no one else. If your stories or conversations are positive and uplifting GOOD FOR YOU! Keep it up. If your stories or conversations are of any other nature…turn it around…not happy with your boss? What are your bosses good qualities? Lost your job? Instead of moping around, start thinking of what you REALLY want to do…don’t come from a place of lack…come from a place of infinite possibilities!!
Life is like a lemon so squeeze the daylights out of it!!! (In a good way of course)
Have A Great Day!!

Ah ha

Ah ha

 Thoughts 365| as you are in your state of observing, truly observing, what is going on in your human existence – you can open the doors of opportunity by allowing yourself to observe and receive clarity. Your expansion comes from the very thing that you so often attempt to shut down.

THOUGHTS 365 are thoughts from Source that come through during meditation. They generally answer a question or open up an awareness or different perspective.

YOU are the answer!

YOU are the answer!

THOUGHTS 365| When all is set in motion, you have the ability to sense the way to go. You have every opportunity to be THAT Human BEing, the one you perceive so eloquently in your head. Allow yourself the freedom and trust that all is well in the BEingness. You are the only vessel that this information is perceived through. It is your unique thoughts and actions that create the “rig” that you want to create in your life. You are in constant motion so allow yourself to step aside and BE in a space, shifting and moving. YOU ask the questions and then you shut down from the answers. YOU are the answer!

THOUGHTS 365 are thoughts from Source that come through during meditation. They generally answer a question or open up an awareness or different perspective.

Observation Mode

Observation Mode

THOUGHTS 365 | When you are feeling the contrast in your human living. STOP what you are DOing and take a step back so that you can easily detach from the emotion that is welling up inside. Take 3 deep breaths and then allow yourself to observe the situation. Choose to be detached. What are the questions that arise from the situation. What is the solution that arises from the situation.

You bring to you the situations to expand you. You will continue with similar until YOUR expansion is met.

THOUGHTS 365 are thoughts from Source that come through during meditation. They generally answer a question or open up an awareness or different perspective.

Lil’ Nuggets

If you are still looking externally for your answers … the answers are within you
The solutions are truly in each of use… We are self contained on this journey! 

Even when you think you may be alone, you are not. 

You are much more than you think you are and more powerful than you probably give yourself credit. (Do YOU know that you are soooo WORTHY?)

You must focus on what you want in a way that just the thought brings you happiness and ONLY in that happiness you can receive what you want
You can not receive the things you say you want in a state of anger or sadness, for only in that state you create MORE of what you do not want.

“life is a journey, be happy where you are and watch where it takes you!”
In Joy!