Squirrels and Other Shiny Objects – How to Start and Follow Through With Your Dreams in 5 Easy Steps

1) Visualize where you want to go
Visualize how you want your life to look when everything you want right now, is in your life. It is proven that your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what we call reality and fantasy so when we visualize, daydream or fantasize, we are actually sending messages to our subconscious mind of what we like and how we see ourselves. When you feel good about any situation and can “see” it in your life, you have actually released the thought of “your life” and have only to watch it to show up in your life.

2) Make a daily task list of things you know you will do
Make a master list of things that you want to get done, do not put a deadline on this list, just make the list. Now, take the list and choose two or three things to do for the day, these are things you must do and feel good in doing them. Leave the master list, check off what you accomplish, add to it when needed. 

3) Follow Through on at least one major goal a day
Take a look at your list above and be sure to complete 1 major goal a day. This goal could be doing some research, calling someone you have been putting off or someone who may have some information or answers you could use. Make this goal a “stretch” like your first blog post or write some copy for your website or cleaning out a closet.

4) Give yourself a pat on the back for completing tasks and ALL successes
Always give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, a completion of a task, any and ALL successes big or small. Never belittle any of your work no matter how small or big, always be happy about what you have accomplished, every step is a step toward your goal. A lot of a little can get you big results.

5) Become aware of and Appreciate what starts showing up in your life
When you follow these steps you will become more aware of people and things showing up in your life. You may label much of this coincidence and you should know that you are the one that asked for all of the “help” so why not appreciate it and utilize it to get you one step forward. When you appreciate your life and all that is in it then you are actually asking for “more” to come into your life. More of what you are asking. More harmony. More joy.

You may think these things may have nothing or very little to do with improving or changing your life but I assure you they are everything to do with change.

These steps can be applied to just about any area of your life.

I invite you to check out our podcasts every weekday morning Eastern Standard Time on http://www.UniversalEnergyRadio.com and follow us on our journey of change and transformation while picking up some nuggets for yourself.

Anna Banguilan is an artist, graphic artist, law of attraction facilitator, spiritual humorist, author and speaker.
“be happy where you are and watch where it takes you”

who are you?

Did ever catch yourself saying “I never asked to be born”!! Well, here is a little eye opener… YES you did! 
You wanted to get into a physical body and have awesome life experiences because you KNEW that it didn’t matter what your experience is here on earth in this time and space, it would be contrasty and delicious and fun and crazy and all of the things that make up the definition of life!
Go Ahead.. ASK the questions… relish in the answers… they should exhilarate you… make you smile…BIG!

Question 1….
Who Am I? Who Are You?
Answer:WE are the further-est most extension of Source…Universe or God (pick one or use your own title or name).
You are a powerful creator. You are able to shape your life with a single thought that is pure energy and translate into a vibration. You have but to BELIEVE in your abilities and you will see physical shifts happening before your eyes. YOU ARE ONE with the Universe… YOU are connected to an amazing power … FEEL it!
“be happy where you are and watch where it takes you!”

Start Here…

You start from where you are right now! It is all you have.
You may want some “thing” else AND as you long for “it” you only push it away for all you are focusing on is “the lack” of this thing. 
In life there is wellness and the lack of wellness, prosperity and the lack of prosperity, joyfulness and the lack of joyfulness etc. you get the picture… AND which one are you LOOKING at? Which one are you focusing on? 
FEELING the wellness brings you more of that, FEELING the lack of wellness (sickness) only brings you more of that…
FEELING the prosperity brings you more of that, FEELING the lack of prosperity (being broke..the “I can’t afford syndrome”) only brings you more of that…
FEELING the joyfulness brings you more of that, FEELING the lack of joyfulness (sadness, depression etc.) only brings you more of that…
How do you FEEL? The idea is to always look for the “better feeling” thought…
don’t look at the problem, look at THE SOLUTION, LOVE the solution!
Love your self!!
You ARE a magnet and LIKE attracts LIKE… what are you attracting?
Wanna change it?
Start Here…

Where IS the power of prayer?

I notice that people focus on Prayer and God and it is usually around “not so good circumstances” like illness or death.
My question IS Why not PRAY EVERYDAY, in a GOOD way? Appreciate AND Pray!
Pray Everyday – to elevate the energy (food) that you put
into your body.
Pray Everyday – for guidance in your everyday affairs & goodness
Pray an appreciation for what you have, what you are doing, where you are going right now! 

Keep your prayers LIGHT AND FREE AND be open to RECEIVING the answers, the answer may not come to you in the “obvious” way, the answer can take on many different forms.
Source, God, Universe has a sense of humor AND ALWAYS gives you what you ask for and then some. So, what are you ASKING for?

Disregard the “HOW” just “ALLOW” AND “KNOW” that IT is on its way!

“be happy where you are and watch where it takes you”

A Lil’ Inspiration!!

This day is almost done and today I have witnessed, participated and acknowledge a beautiful co-creation/manifestation.
I AM aware of the amazing gifts and beauty this little person has to offer. 
I look forward to the lessons she will teach me and those whose lives she will touch. 
She is not even 1 day old in physical form yet she has touched so many and for many their lives will be very different from here on out. 
Her energy creates worlds and softens hearts.
She is truly amazing and total proof that when you THINK you HAVE IT ALL, life opens up and hands you another gift of love, AND life truly does get better and better when you BELIEVE it IS better and better.
To my children who are my teachers and my inspiration, I AM better for having you in my life.
I AM appreciating my beautiful family, a gift beyond measure and a love so big there is no true words to describe the feeling, it IS just that, A Feeling and I Love You!

The One Sure Thing

Many times, we, in our human state want everything to stay as it is
AND the only thing we can be sure of is there will be change in our
lives. It is how gracefully we handle that change that will create our
lives, we can go into the change kicking and screaming, again, that
serves no one, or we can relax into it, knowing that change is good,
sometimes we may not see the good in it at the moment AND when we
become aware, we will see that the very change that we cursed can
really be our blessing, so if you can know that in advance you will
set YOUR INTENTION for a better outcome, a better now…BE the change!