The Bible reveals “The Secret”… WHAT?

The question in my mind and others is, how do religion and “law of attraction” work together?
“Law of Attraction” IS the basis of ALL religion.
It is the very foundation that our FAITH is based on…BELIEVING in a higher power, BELIEVING in a greater good. That GOOD IS YOU, BELIEVE IN YOU, the higher power, Source, Universe, God work through you, you ARE an extension of God.
Law of Attraction IS a law, just like gravity IS a law, it works all the time, everyday, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The following are pulled from the Bible…BELIEVE it..or not…

For a man thinketh in his heart, so is he…Proverb 23:7

Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive…Matthew 22:21

Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23

Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phil. 4:8

Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be open unto you. Matthew 7:7

What are you asking for? What do you appreciate? What do you believe? How do you feel? What are you thinking?

You are a creator, you can be a DELIBERATE creator…
Have fun, God has a BIG sense of humor!! Well, that is my opinion and I’m sticking to it!!

What If for the Better

I woke up this morning with this thought, so clear…to me any way.
If you are NOT getting the results you want, how are you looking at it?… are you viewing it from a place of lack? or are looking FORWARD to when you WILL get what you want and you can see yourself there with the very thing(s) in the very space that you have been dreaming about?!
Take a moment and see yourself already there, already driving the new car, living in the new house or YOU just BEING HAPPY…FEEL how it FEELs, FEEL how you FEEL!! Work yourself into a FEEL GOOD place about it!
I know sometimes the thoughts about the lack and “oh whoa is me” creep up, I will tell you that you cannot totally eliminate these thoughts but you CAN OVERRIDE THEM, think something new…think “what if for the better”.
What if I find the better job or opportunity to push me ahead, what if i see my partner, friend, lover, kids, in a different light and they are happy. When you catch yourself playing the what if in the negative, turn it around, catch yourself and think, say or do, the opposite.
Be easy on yourself, changing your thoughts and habits is not always an easy process but when it happens you will FEEL such a shift in your thinking, it IS amazing.
Start where you are, your past does not dictate your future, you are magnificent!
“What if” I’m right?

Your Story

It doesn’t cost anything to be hopeful.
It doesn’t cost anything to tell a positive story.
It doesn’t cost anything to dream the dream, to tell the story!
It doesn’t cost anything to tell the story.

And you know what? You tell that story often enough, you’ll believe it!

And when you believe it, you’re in the vortex. And the Universe has to give
it to you.

If there’s something that you want, and you’re not getting it, it’s only
because you don’t believe it. And you say, “I believe it.” And we say, “You
can’t believe it, because if you believed it, you’d be living it.”

And you say, “I sort of, kind of, believe it on rare occasions.”

You gotta give it more air time!!!

Excerpts from Denver 7/12/08 Abraham-Hicks (thing you want the universe to solve, make that intention. )

Oh, I forget to tell you the SECRET, if you don’t already know….the big secret, and you have had it all along, is that you have the ability to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind has the infinite power to help get what you want. 
If you want to get scientific about it, we are all energy, our bodies & especially our minds. Once you learn to “believe” in what you tell yourself you will override the negative thoughts and actions, you will become a magnet to what you want and it will be as easy as breathing. (Your subconscious mind controls your breathing)

Affirmations are a great way to help reprogram your subconscious mind.
Acknowledge your successes, little ones as well as big ones
Take compliments with a simple “Thank You”, 
Give genuine compliments with no expectations

Here are some statements/affirmations…they are whatever you would like to call them, when you see a “_______________” insert your own words:

For Aquiring things

“That_________is mine. I accept it mentally, and my subconscious sees to it thet I receive it.”

For Relationships
“I am wanted, I am loved, I am happily________to a kind, loving and spiritual_______I am secure and fullfilled”

As you read or say these statements, do it with feeling AND be open to receive…
as above, it cost nothing to tell the story, so why not tell it the way YOU want it to be.

Know This.

The answers ARE within YOU. You are your own treasure chest, all you need is the key

“The Key” is the ability to program your subconscious mind, once you understand how to change your paridigms, YOU WILL change your life.

“Believe” in the good, wellness, inspiration, strength, and prosperity and your subconscious mind will give you just that…

Believing is seeing

Everything is perspective & illusion, change the way you see, say & think and you will change your life.
When we view someone or something with negative emotion, we are giving ourselves a signal that we are not being true to our inner selves (it really has nothing to do with the other person or thing, that is just what we are looking at or using as our objective of negativity).
TURN IT AROUND…instead of dwelling on the negative, ask yourself…what is the postitive aspect(s) of this person or thing. FEEL the ease that flows through you when you even just ask the question, now answer the question, feel the negativity start to fade…now list or give more.positive aspects of this person or thing and you will find your entire PERSPECTIVE of this person or thing start to shift, soon you may even have a big smile when thinking about this person or thing.
Create a notebook or journal of people, places, things. Take a page for each, put a name or place or thing at the top of the page then list the POSITIVE aspects of the person, place or thing. Do this when you get frustrated or mad or sad…FEEL how things will turn around….
“curious…very curious”
This is 1 of several processes as told to us by Abraham
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