Awakening is a process that is so unique for everyone. We can share our experiences and processes and as we take the steps. Awakening can be disruptive, look at the world, (Tribal mentality creating at its best) look at what each of us has experienced for our very own growth and expansion. When we can be in or shift into love, kindness and compassion it makes the journey easier, gentler and when we are not used to experiencing such things it can create unease. When we KNOW the direction to move towards all of the “gunk” starts to fall away. Acknowledge it, let it go, and shift that unconscious part of yourself to receive the gifts this world does have to offer. Look for the gifts. “Seek and ye shall find” BE in a space of allowing. There is nothing to claim, everyone is where they are, when we are ready, we find the like minded ones and together we can “hold space” and share with others who are “waking up.” Step by step, awareness and shifting unconscious patterning are key. Waking up is knowing there is “more” to this world. That “more” is in each and every human being “inside.” Shift that first and each of us will see a new world created externally. ❤️