1) You have to make YOU happy..if you rely on someone else to do this for you, you are in for big upsets.
2) YOU CANNOT CONTROL OUTSIDE CIRCUMSTANCESdo i need to repeat that?? This is our number one biggest hangup…we want someone to do something for us first or be a certain way, THEN we will be happy…ahhh..be happy first and then notice what people do for you and then appreciate them for it and tell them so….
3) whatever you think about you become…if you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get, what you have always got…
4) Wether you tell yourself you can or can’t, you are always right…
5) Your thoughts are things, CHOOSE THE GOOD ONES!
6) Tell those around you that you love and appreciate them and tell them in a BIG WAY!! You never know when at a moment either of you could be taken out of this physical world!!

Sometimes in the craziness of life, we just need to stop and take a look at where we are, right now, this moment and be thankful. 
Sometimes that is not an easy thing to do, but i PROMISE, if you take that little bit of info and practice it a little each day, you will see a change, a shift, not only in how you think, but how you feel.
I am not into telling stories, not the kind that are full of oh whoa is me. 
What i will tell you is i have had my moments (months) of dispair, anguish, fear, depression, anxiety. There was the grief counseling and the MDs wanting me to take anti-drepressants, i got on line to find “help” groups etc. What i found was MORE of that…and i didn’t want MORE of that…then the pray, pray, pray….then the LORD JUST TAKE ME NOW!!!
What happened next was the answer, Christmas 2007, i was given the most wonderful gift by my friend Mary. Mary gave me a book and a CD. The book was “Power of Emotions” by Abraham-Hicks and the CD was also by the same authors and about death and dying and grief.
While i was reading the book there was a “lightbulb” moment for me…and it is that you have to be happy and joyful WITHIN yourself first, get there by any means. 
You can not be totally in dispair and in a moment be totally happy. It is a process….take small steps.
I woke up each morning and decided to find something, ANYTHING to make me happy, my partner, my son, my home, my studio ANYTHING!!!
On my way to my studio i would look at the sky and say THANK YOU, one morning i noticed new grass on the side of the road and it was the most amazing green…
i started appreciating where i was, not where i had been and then i could see where i was going.

What happened to me will happen to all of us at some time in our lives and that is to lose someone we love dearly.
I lost one of my best friends, my mom. I now realize that when i was in a place of grief and dispair, i wasn’t in a place of connecting with her on a different level. Now i feel her energy around me and it makes me happy! 
If i could go back and change it all?? YES, i miss her physical hugs the most. Obviously i can not and i KNOW she wants us, her family, to be happy and i am living up to that.
..oh mom, in life AND in physical death, you are still teaching me…THANK YOU!! i appreciate you ALWAYS!!