My hope is that everyone is doing well and shifting into a place of excitement and curiosity with what is going on in the world. A massive transformation is happening and when we can experience it from a place of love, joy, kindness and compassion we receive more of that in our lives. I understand that being in that space of ease and grace is not always easy. Especially now on our planet. Notice how the world has been made “uncomfortable” so that perhaps we can assess our own “uncomfortable comforts.” What are we hanging on to that doesn’t feel good? Do we have no faith or trust that God (Source, Universe) has our back.? It’s the very faith that creates. It’s the trust that allows the new. We have been play a bit of tug-of-war with our emotions (our vibration) so we receive that in the world. Choose gratitude for what you have and where you are right now. See the beauty in the world as it changes and shifts. Find that mirrored beauty, faith and trust within yourself. You are more powerful than you really know. You are beautiful and amazing. You are patient kind and loving… use I AM’s and make these statements your own. It is a process to be acknowledge in your Super Conscious Mind, Infinite Intelligence!

Just “Ask and it is Given.” 💕