Change is the one thing many people are afraid of, yet it IS the most consistent thing in our lives. Most of us don't notice the changes because they are either baby step changes or slow changes and we just let it happen to us. FACT: You will change (whether you like...
Ah ha
Thoughts 365| as you are in your state of observing, truly observing, what is going on in your human existence - you can open the doors of opportunity by allowing yourself to observe and receive clarity. Your expansion comes from the very thing that you so often...
The Importance of NOW!
Thoughts 365 | When you understand the delay of manifestation, you understand that HOW you FEEL NOW, shows up later, there IS a time delay of a moment, a day, a week, a month, a year. The one constant in your life is change, it is about shifting AND it IS the...
GIVING unconditional love!
This post was inspired by an email I received from a client/friend asking for help. I generally read my emails, respond, give, receive, help, share, as I can. This particular email was so “contrasty” and I felt this come through in response. This response is about...
Pay Me What I Am Worth!?
How many of us have said this as some sort of affirmation and/or maybe we said this to ourselves as we chatted with a potential client or boss!? I certainly raise my hand to all of the above. I am also experiencing a different perspective on my value and my perception...
Clarity through the contrast- thanks mom!
Today 6 years ago the most contrasty thing happened to my family.My mom left this physical realm and returned to Source. In the almost 2 years following I dropped my energy and stayed in a place of grief and depression.I finally realized that this was my choice and I...